Present simple

Uses of the present simple

Present simple is used to talk about:

  • permanent/long-term situations: I live in London
  • habits and routines: My sister cycles to school every day
  • feelings and opinions (state verbs): I love chocolate
  • General facts: The US President lives in the White House

Present simple Quiz : Exercise 1 and 2

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Present simple exercise 1

Question and answer match

How many pets do you have?

Where do you live?

What do you do?

What languages do you speak?

Are you from Kenya?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Does Maria play the saxophone?

Do Daniel and Kieran have a car?

What’s the weather like?

Is Lauren married?

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Present simple exercise 2

Make these sentences negative:

John _______ a dog, he has a cat.

Claire and Jessica___________ in Sydney, they live in Melbourne

We _________ to school on Wednesdays.

I _________ at the weekends.

Sarah _________ to work, she cycles.

Mary __________ cheese because she’s vegan.

Lindsay and Adam ________ guitar, they play the drums.

I _________ chocolate

  1. Penguins have wings but they________ (fly)
  1. I drink tea every morning, I _______ coffee. 

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How to conjugate the Present Simple…

The third person singular (he/she/it) is the only form of the verb that changes.


For regular verbs we just add an “s”:


To speak: He/She/It speaks

For verbs ending in the following letters we add +es: 


Ch to watch = he watches

S   to miss = she misses

Sh to wish = he wishes

Z   to buzz = it buzzes 

X   to fix = she fixes

For the verbs go and do we also add “es”


  • He goes
  • She does

For verbs ending in consonant +Y – remove the “Y” and add “ies:


To fly  = he flies

And remember, these irregular verbs which we use a lot too…


To be

To have

I am 

You are 

he/she/it is

We are 

You are 

They are


You have

he/she/it has

We have

You have

They have

Word Bank


Once = 1 time e.g. My birthday is once a year.  In the same way, we can use “twice” for two times e.g. I go on holiday twice a year.


For numbers after two we just use the word “times” e.g. I go swimming three times a week. 



To speak and to talk are generally synonyms, but we say to speak a language ***Not to talk a language 



To watch TV  ** generally we watch things which move and we look at things which are static


Put the following verbs in the right form:


Present simple Exercise 3

Put the verbs in the following sentences in the form.

1 / 10

I always ______  my homework on a Sunday.

2 / 10

Jonathan and Alice often______in Manchester

3 / 10

I _________ French and English.

4 / 10

Lianne often _______ shopping.

5 / 10

The British Prime Minister _________ at 10 Downing Street.

6 / 10

Barbara _________ TV every night before bed

7 / 10

My sisters_________ green eyes.

8 / 10

We _______ a uniform to school every day.

9 / 10

Lions and tigers ______ dangerous animals.

10 / 10

Paris ______ the capital of France.


Present simple exercise 4

Complete the paragraph below with the right verb form:

1 / 9

She isn’t here, she ______ at work.

2 / 9

Are you hungry? No, I ________

3 / 9

Is Mars a planet? Yes, _________

4 / 9

Rover _____ a cat, he’s a dog.

5 / 9

Are Alice and Michael in the office?  No, they______

6 / 9

Is Lucy a doctor?  No, she ______, she’s a dentist.

7 / 9

Is Mark married?  Yes, ________

8 / 9

Ferrari is an Italian company, it _____ Polish.

9 / 9

Are your parents French?  Yes, ________ 





I am/I’m

You are/you’re

he/she/it is /he’s/she’s/it’s

We are/we’re

You are/you’re

They are/They’re

I am not = I’m not

You are not = You’re not/you aren’t

he/she/it is not = he she/it isn’t

We are not = we aren’t 

You are not = you aren’t

They are not = they aren’t

*** You can choose to use the long version or the short version.  The long version is more formal, and the short version is more common in spoken English.  In written formal English it is necessary to use the long version.

****When you respond to a present simple question it is not possible to contract the verb to be in the positive form unless it is followed by an adjective or complement.  This is possible for the negative form: 

  • Yes, they are NOT yes, they’re
  • No, they are not OR no, they aren’t


If the verb is followed by an adjective or complement then you can contract the verb to be.:

  • Is it sunny in San Diego?  Yes it is/Yes it’s sunny

Complete these sentences using the verb to be in negative form



Complete these sentences using the verb  'to be' 

1 / 10

They ____________ scared of ghosts.

2 / 10

Texas ______________ in the USA.

3 / 10

She _________ interested in watching series in English.

4 / 10

Skiing _________ fun.

5 / 10

He ___________ mad at you.

6 / 10

Polar  bears ______________ are white.

7 / 10

People in my town ______________ friendly.

8 / 10

Rome _______________ in Italy.

9 / 10

We ___________ happy to meet you.

10 / 10

I __________ crazy about chocolate.

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Present Simple Exercise 6

Complete these sentences using the verb to be in negative form

1 / 10

Scotland  ________ warm in the winter.

2 / 10

A car ______ necessary if you live in a city with public transport.

3 / 10

Blue ______ my favourite colour, orange is.

4 / 10

Joe Biden _______ the President of France.

5 / 10

Robin’s car _______ red, it’s blue.

6 / 10

  1. Mark and Peter ________ brothers, they are cousins.

7 / 10

I ___________ a nurse, I am a doctor.

8 / 10

Berlin _______ the capital of Poland.

9 / 10

  1. We ______ children, we are 20 years old.

10 / 10

Madonna_______ British, she’s American.

Adverbs of Frequency




Once/twice/three times…



0%                                                                                         100%


Never       Rarely     Sometimes           Often              Usually      Always 


Here are some examples:

She rarely goes to the cinema, it’s very expensive.

You often read a book before bed.

Rachel usually goes swimming after school.

Alex never eats fruit.

I don’t always go to bed at midnight. 

You often have lunch at midday?

To Be Negative Form:


Present simple exercise 7

Frequency Adverbs

1 / 6

He __________ coffee in the morning.

2 / 6

They _________ us at home.

3 / 6

My neighbours _______________ at home.

4 / 6

She_______________ to the restaurant, it's too expensive.

5 / 6

I ________________ before bed.

6 / 6

How often do you go jogging?


Present Simple Exercise 8

Adverbs of frequency questions

1 / 10

How often do you get rid of things you don’t need?

2 / 10

What time do you usually go to bed?

3 / 10

What do you sometimes eat for lunch?

4 / 10

Do you always have dinner with your family?

5 / 10

What do you usually do in your free time?

6 / 10

How often do you go to the cinema?

7 / 10

How often do you play soccer?

8 / 10

How often do you spend time with your friends?

9 / 10

What kind of music do you usually listen to?

10 / 10

How often are you late for work/school?

Ella is a Marketing Executive and _______(work) in London. She______(live) in Bristol and _______ (take) the train to work every day. Her office _______ (not be) far from the train station. She usually _______ (meet) two friends for lunch. On Fridays, they _______ (go) to an expensive restaurant near her office. Ella’s friends _______ (be) Marketing Executives too, so
they often ______(talk) about work together. Ella _______ (try) to leave the office at 5pm, but sometimes she ______ (have) too much work and leaves at 6pm. When she_______ (get) home, her children _______ (help) her make dinner and they _______ (eat) together at around 7pm. If the children ________ (not have) homework, then they _______ (watch) a film together. Ella ________ (go) to bed at around 10pm and ______ (read) a book before she _______ (fall) asleep.

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Present continuous Exercise 1

Question and answer match





Where do you live?

How many pets do you have?

Do Daniel and Kieran have a car?

What languages do you speak?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

What’s the weather like?

Is Lauren married?

Are you from Kenya?

Does Maria play the saxophone?

What do you do?

They_________ the museum with their guests last summer.

  1. Ronny ________ Jane last week.

Last year, I _______ to run faster than my neighbour.

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